941-539-9149 mary@maryoriley.com

Who We Are

My desire is to help guide others through their own unique path of discovery using the practice of Yoga.

Hi, I'm Rick,

My Yoga Journey began while living in Wisconsin. Exposure to the New Thought Community opened doors to many new experiences to learn including Yoga, Thai Chi, Chi Gong, Massage, Meditation and many more.

As I became more involved in this self-exploration and transformation, I studied the Yoga Philosophy and lives of Masters Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Kripalu, Founder of Kripalu Yoga and Yogi Amrit Desai. Yogi Desai is currently living in Florida. Mary and I have visited the Amrit Yoga Institute with members of our classes and fellow Yoga teachers.

Throughout my corporate career and life in general (kids, sports and hobbies) I always had trouble relaxing and didn't even realize how much stress I was handling in my daily life. As I grew older and wiser, I began to listen to my body, paid attention to my thoughts and intentions and what was really meaningful in my life. Through my practice of Yoga and the Yogic lifestyle, I continued on a path of tremendous spiritual growth and awareness that has lead me to where I am today.

My desire is to help guide others through their own unique path of discovery using the practice of Yoga, as I see the powerful effects Yoga classes have on one's perspective and helping one manage stress and tension in so many ways. We can learn to BE with what is, as it is. Ultimately, we can have more happiness, less stress and enjoy our life to the fullest.

It is not hard; you just need to begin. And once you begin you may ask yourself, why have I waited so long?

Looking forward to growing and learning with you!

The Best Is Yet To Come.


Age is inconsequential. One's chronological age does not matter. Choose an age you love(d) and stay there.

Hi, I’m Mary!

I’m a police officer turned transformational breath facilitator turned student of spiritual psychology turned yoga instructor turned coach for healthy living.

And I help people who want a healthier lifestyle.  And I’ll help you attain a healthier lifestyle with simplicity.  A few simple additions have dramatic benefits.

I’ve got some stories!  As one of America’s first working-the-streets female police officers I’ve seen it all, from births to murders.

Here's my philosophy on aging…  

“Age is inconsequential. One's chronological age does not matter. Choose an age you love(d) and stay there. Release the consciousness of “getting older”.  Accept a different perspective. Our collective consciousness is dictating deterioration. Change the consciousness and be youthful and vibrant!  Because you are.”

What I Do Beyond Yoga . . .

I love helping people be healthy.  Physically healthy with the support of nutritional supplements and using non-toxic skin care and  home and laundry cleaners.  Emotionally healthy with Yoga and Reiki.  Financially healthy using a simple process of guiding those who are looking for an in-home business that doesn’t require sales.  How can I help you?