941-539-9149 mary@maryoriley.com

Update Here: Admin -> My Site Settings

[my-company-legal-name]: Yoga with Rick & Mary
[my-company-state]: Florida,
[my-company-country]: USA
[my-support-email]: mary@maryoriley.com
[my-support-phone]: 941-539-9149
[my-copywrite-agent]: Mary Riley
[my-copywrite-agent-email]: mary@maryoriley.com
[my-site-name]: Yoga with Rick & Mary
[my-site-tagline]: Breathe. Relax. Connect.

Update Here: Admin -> Legal Pages -> Settings

[wpautoterms site_name]: https://yogawithrickandmary.com/
[wpautoterms site_url]: https://yogawithrickandmary.com
[wpautoterms company_name]: Yoga with Rick & Mary

Static Shortcodes

[year]: 2024
[date-today]: 7/25/2024
[post-published]: 12/1/2022

Encode email addresses

[email]someone@gmail.com[/email]: someone@gmail.com